Fashion Design Lab Magazine
january 2011 | nº 03
  Masterpieces from the Russian Museum of Saint Petersburg
Florence, Andito degli Angiolini – Galleria d’Arte Moderna | Palazzo Pitti, 8th February – 30th April 2011
Roberto Cantini

This is one of the most prestigious events that we can see in the city of Florence until the end of the month of April. Visitors will have the chance being in the wonderful city of Florence also to see some of these rare and beautiful masterpieces coming out for the first time from the well-known Russian Museum of Saint Petersburg.

The exhibition is only an unique and small part of the treasures that are displayed at Saint Petersburg in which we can see the largest collection of Russian art in the world, with a significant presence of authors belonging to the contemporary art.

In the exhibition at Pitti Palace it is very interesting to look at the works by Malevich and to compare them with the other Russian artists of the show.

This is the opportunity also to create a new channel for the exchange of art and culture between Russia and Italy.

tel. 055 294883

«Christ Pantocrator enthroned», Sec. XVI B. Kargopol', «Tempera» on wood Ivan Kramskoj, «Mina Moiseev», 1882, oil on canvas Mikhail Nesterov, «Anchorite», 1888, oil on canvas
Leon Bakst, «Dinner», 1902, oil on canvas Kazimir Malevich, «Head of the peasant», 1928-1929, olio su multistrato Kazimir  Malevich, «Selfportrait», 1933, oil on canvas
Vasilj Kandinskij, «Blue comb», 1917, oil on canvas    
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